Shoots of true growth…

Shoots of true growth… at this point in your training, since starting as a white belt you will be feeling more confident in learning new skills, be it in movement or techniques, some of these skills you found awkward or confusing, but now less daunting.

You will also be seeing and identifying the need for a balance in movement physically, meaning the use of both the left and right side of the body to equal effect.

Why do we do patterns

Well, there are a number of different reasons for the performance of a pattern, but the main reasons are repartition and correction...

Repartition –

This is the underlying principal behind most of our learning of new skills, our bodies remember movement, and the more we repeat the movement the less we have to 'think' about it. This is refered to as muscle memory


When we learn something new we inevitably make mistakes, the learning cycle is try, review, react.

So we try to achieve a goal, we then review how we did and react to the review… this may be to amended what we did or accept the result.